If you need something insane to read, this should do the trick.
Make sure to keep going till the part about the video of the taillight.
I almost wasn't going to send one of these tonight, because it's so late and I have an important bowl of ice cream to eat. But then Julia told me to read this two-part feature, which appeared in Vanity Fair late last month.
It's about a Massachusetts woman, Karen Read, who next year will be tried for the second time for the 2022 murder of her boyfriend, a Boston police officer. Once you start reading, you will quickly begin to suspect she is not guilty. As you continue reading, your eyebrows will go up. Then they will go up some more. Soon, your eyebrows will have gone up so far, they may need oxygen masks. Then you will get to the second part of the story. At that point, your eyebrows will probably float off into the stratosphere, and you will have to pencil them in from now on, like my Great-Aunt Rose used to do.
Some real wild shit, in other words. If you read it, keep in mind as you do that this all went down in the United States of America, and the story isn't over yet. If you believe our government should serve the people and not itself, it's a bleak reminder that we still have a lot of work to do.
The Fun Part
Stand-up comic Bill Burr rubbed a lot of people the wrong way with his monologue when he hosted SNL earlier this month, right after the election. This sketch is from 2020, though, and it's pretty great.
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